Mixeur's hardware collection

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Collection : 2937  cpu
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12513  cpu
7862  motherboard
17592  graphic_card
For sale : 437  cpu
Pictures : 1874  photos
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Processor of the day

Intel 80C186-12 CLCC

Most popular CPUs

Cyrix 486DRx²20/40
Cyrix 486DRx²16/32
Cyrix 486DRx²20/40
Cyrix 486DRx²33/66
Cyrix 486DRx²25/50

Intel Core i7-3770
Intel Core i5-3470
Intel Core i5-2400
Intel Core i5-4570
Intel Core i7-2600

Most powerful CPUs
Desktop PCs
AMD : Ryzen 9 7950X
Intel : Core i9-13900KF
Laptop PCs
AMD : Ryzen 9 6980HX
Intel : Core i9-12950HX
AMD : EPYC 9654P
Intel : Xeon Platinium 9282


Whatever the domain, having an important collection, with high quality models, becomes fastly really expensive.
Moreover, doubles, trebles or even quadruples come very easily, and make you very fast a big useless cpus stock !

Right now, I have 211 cpu principaly reserved for sale, in order to partially finance my collection. But of course, if you prefer to trade, there is no problem.
In this case, feel free to look at my want-list, and my trading list.

And if you don't collect cpus but anyway want to particpate to my efforts for building one of the biggest x86 cpus collection, you can donate, with Paypal : Paypal

All contributors will be officialy thanked on this page

Thank you !