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Processor of the day

Intel D8085AH-1 CDIP 01.jpg
Intel 8085AH-1 CDIP

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Collection > Motherboards > Asus

Asus M2N-MX SE Plus Socket AM2+ 01.jpg

Asus M2N-MX SE Plus
Manufacturer Asus
Model M2N-MX SE Plus
Package MicroATX
Socket Socket AM2+
Chipset NVidia nForce4 430
Supported memory DDR2-1066 (PC2-8500/PC2-8600)
Memory slot count 2 DIMM
Max memory 8 Go
Extension ports
PCI-Express 1 16x ports PCI 2
Storage ports
PATA 1 Ports Ultra ATA/133 (2 lecteurs) SATA 2 Ports SATA2
Peripheral ports
Ports claviers & souris 1 PS2 keyboard port, 1 PS2 Mouse port
Ports série et parallèle 1 Serial ports
Ports USB 8 USB2 ports (4 external, 4 internal)
Sorties vidéos carte graphique intégrée 1 VGA port
Audio ALC662 (Line In, Line Out, MIC In, SPDIF input, SPDIF output)
Réseau PHY 10 100Mbps Mb/s
Release date 2007

Page created on 30/03/2024

Last update : 23/06/2024